Friday 8 March 2013

Happy International Women Day!

Today, I have found my twitter feed filled with tweets about International Women's Day, or #IWD. Now this is partly due to the fact that I follow a lot of people and organisations whose aim is to address the issue of Women's equality  but I have also seen in other places, and it is great to see this day being recognised. Just look at the great Google homepage !
  To be honest, reading and seeing so much about these issues has made me even more motivated and a little overwhelmed. It makes me want to be as informed as I can be about the situation women are in, and not just for women in the UK. It makes it clear in my mind that I can't just sit back and do nothing. I honestly want to be part of the change that I know is essential.
A few things that have read which I think are interesting: 
  • The world's female politicians should inspire British women- (Guardian's Article).
  •  Live chat with a great panel on "Where have all the women gone"  - Link
There is a reason we still need International Women Day! Not only to commend the men and women that have improved women's position but it also to make us all realise that we have such a long way to go. But saying this doesn't mean it is out of reach.

I read on the Human rights Europe website something Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland said I wanted to add this, as I think it encompasses why women are so important and why things need to change.
"Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland salutes women’s capacity to be a “transformative force” in peace-building, business and in politics, whist expressing his disappointment that they still “earn less and decide less.”    -

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